I spent my 2 weeks in SF at Katie & Rich's lovely home. Such a fun time and great stay. Rich and I had a lot of quality time together as he is off work for the summer and my days were free. Katie would often return home to me and Rich cooking up dinner and playing with the kitty Oliver.

Somehow Rich managed to cook up a cobbler, crisp and crumble in 2 weeks time. I like to take a little credit for providing moral support and encouragement for his creations. By the end of my stay I was no longer calling him Rich, instead it was just Chef.

Now I'm back in Ann Arbor and there is no cobbler, no crisp, nor crumble on my stove.
My question is, Chef, have you figured out how to FedEx your baked goods yet?
My question is, Chef, have you figured out how to FedEx your baked goods yet?
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