Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm happy to share the news that I have secured a job! It was a bit rough out there, with not too much to choose from, but I've found a job that should be great. It's at a small local homeless family organization called the Interfaith Hospitality Network. So, I'll be continuing in the field that I've worked in for the last few years. The organization is much smaller than where I worked in SF, and the shelter only has the capacity to house 6 families at one time, as opposed to the 40 or so that we could offer shelter to in SF. But it has a really warm feeling and the staff seem to be very experienced, I think I can learn a lot here.

The position itself is their Volunteer Coordinator, which will be new for me. They staff their shelter year round with over 2,000 volunteers from the community and local congregations, so I'll be there to make sure that things run smoothly and recruit new volunteers. I'll also get to work with the Development Director some on fund raising events, which should be fun. I go in tomorrow to sort out the details and find out my start date. Thanks to everyone for sending encouragement and good thoughts my way.

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