Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Got a Job!

Whew! I've been offered a position at Ross and I accepted. I'll be the Events Program Coordinator at the Office of Admissions and will support the office in MBA recruitment efforts. I am really excited to work for the school and feel unbelievably relieved to have secured employment. This should ease my mind during our travels. My first day will be Wednesday, August 19th, a few days after we arrive in AA.

Our Apartment in AA

Feast your eyes on this beauty! The top unit will be our new home in the fall. We might get spoiled, we'll have a washer & dryer, dishwasher and garbage disposal for the first time. Just 3 blocks from the business school, it will be an easy commute. Plus we're above a little store, so it will be super convenient. We should be able to move-in around August 16th.

The Count Down Begins

In just a little over 6 weeks we begin our adventures. After 5 amazing years in San Francisco we are packing up and relocating to Ann Arbor, Michigan. Kris has been accepted to the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and classes begin in late August. So we thought that this was the perfect opportunity to to do what we do best, Travel!!! How many times in life will be both have 10 weeks off at the same time?

So, we've come up with a plan. We move out of our beloved apartment of 4 1/2 years at the end of May, complete our last day at work on June 5th, drive down to the OC for two weddings and to spend some time with la familia de Lindy, then around June 22nd fly to India for a week, followed by 4 weeks in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. We arrive back in the US of A at the end of July, then we'll pop a camper shell on Ricky (the truck) and visit our loved ones in LA, Santa Barbara, Pismo and Arroyo Grande, followed by a few days in SF. Then around August 7th we'll load Ricky up and drive cross country, destination Ann Arbor!

Wish us luck.

