Last week our friend Aimee came to visit and we had a great time showing her around Buenos Aires. One day when Kris was in class Aimee and I hopped onto a ferry and headed over to a small town in Uruguay called Colonia del Sacramento.
Colonia dates back to the 17th century and was originally a Portuguese settlement. It's a beautiful old city and is declared a World Heritage Site by UnESCO. Here's a few shots of our trip. It ended up being an extremely hot day!

The original entrance to the city from the port.

After the short walk into town we were so hot that we immediately sought refuge and refreshment. Luckily we found this cute little cafe and sipped on some lovely pomelo lemonade... so perfect for such a hot day. Did I mention it was hot?

After our lemonade we climbed the lighthouse where we could see Buenos Aires in the distance. We got a good look at the lay of the land and took off on foot to explore the town.

Is this not the sweetest view?

In case we got lost I held onto the map

Table for two?

How cute is this little guy? They sell hot water in case you need some when it's 95 degrees out with incredible humidity... just in case.

The town was strewn with old broken down cars. This one was filled with plants.

This one was parked outside of the aquarium and had some nice fishy friends driving.

This one had a nice table for two.