We know this post is very late, but we're back in the Midwest and settling into life here after our wonderful holiday break. We're experiencing some technical difficulties so we have not been able to get our pictures from the camera to the computer, hopefully we'll sort that out soon and post some pics of our time in CA. The above picture was taken by my brother Cliff in my family's backyard on Christmas morning, such a sunny and beautiful day.
Kris is in crazy productive mode and is back in school on top of interviewing for his summer internship. He's hoping to land a position in Finance on the West Coast, so think good thoughts for him.
I'm back at work and we just have the nicest group of families right now. I'm really enjoying working more closely with families again. Tons of people from the community have been calling me and wanting to get involved. Friday I met with the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity's Philanthropy Chair, his group would like to begin volunteering with us, which means that I may have to hold a training at the Frat House in the next couple of weeks. Should be interesting!
On a happy note Kris recently participated in the Venture Capital Investment Competition, a national competition for MBAs. His team won the first round of the competition on Friday and received funding to represent U of M at the regional competition in Boulder, CO in February. Woo Woo!